aircontech > Climate protection at aircontech
As an Austrian company, protecting our natural environment is a matter close to our hearts. We are proud to be able to live and work here. So we believe it is our duty to treat our natural surroundings and environment with due care and sustainability in mind.
Our goal is to minimise our ecological footprint over the next few years.
We pursue our vision and work in as ecologically a way as possible – even internally. Every employee has the opportunity to contribute their own ideas.
As a company, we pay particular attention to energy efficiency. Thinking twice about our printing requirements, switching to mainly digital internal communication and using light in the office sensibly are just a selection of the small steps we’re taking to achieve this goal. But every small step is a step in the right direction.
We implement targeted measures to work in a way that is as CO2 neutral as possible so that we can keep our company’s ecological footprint as small as possible.
As part of our management strategy, we use our internal environmental management system as a recognized requirement of ISO 14001 to improve environmental performance and achieve environmental goals.
We represent the development and manufacture of innovative air-conditioning systems to ensure your wellbeing. To do so, we rely on “green technologies” and ensure clean operation.